You are about to read about a very personal spiritual experience. The night before we were in The White Out I was preparing for bed. I felt deep within me a calling, a longing, an intense wonder, as if I was with my mother or wanting to be so much with her it was as if my mother was with me, it was so intense! Then in a moment it passed. My next thought was one of surprise "wow I haven't thought of mommy like that in years. My mother was a warm, caring, nurturing, country, godly,healer woman who passed into SPIRIT some 22 years ago.
Then I was into bed and off to sleep.
The next morning I went outside to wait for my friend,who was coming to pick me up in her dads SUV and we were going to Crosby House up in New Minus.
I stood downstairs out on the veranda to wait.
As I stood there I said a prayer of gratefullness from my heart, (as I often do) I said a blessing on the day and gave thanks for being alive. I felt and I mean in an inner- conscious way an energy of light circling above my left side, it was shaped like the Universal symbol for energy I thought of Reiki energy as I am an energy worker in the form of Reiki.
The energy circled there for a few seconds then it entered my chest internally I felt an energy of light circling my chest its direction was North East as it entered. I was blessed and felt grateful to be in this blessing of light.Then my friend came into the driveway. Three hours later we were in a very bad car accident we all came away unharmed. I have some injury in one shoulder and my arm.
Then I was into bed and off to sleep.
The next morning I went outside to wait for my friend,who was coming to pick me up in her dads SUV and we were going to Crosby House up in New Minus.
I stood downstairs out on the veranda to wait.
As I stood there I said a prayer of gratefullness from my heart, (as I often do) I said a blessing on the day and gave thanks for being alive. I felt and I mean in an inner- conscious way an energy of light circling above my left side, it was shaped like the Universal symbol for energy I thought of Reiki energy as I am an energy worker in the form of Reiki.
The energy circled there for a few seconds then it entered my chest internally I felt an energy of light circling my chest its direction was North East as it entered. I was blessed and felt grateful to be in this blessing of light.Then my friend came into the driveway. Three hours later we were in a very bad car accident we all came away unharmed. I have some injury in one shoulder and my arm.